What is European Blue Card? All Details Explained

Let’s learn about European Blue card in detail including its duration, fees, requirements and eligibility criteria.

What is European Blue Card?

European Blue Card is a residence permit that allows skilled workers to come and work in the European Union. It is a type of visa that is valid for up to three years and can be renewed. The card allows you to stay in the EU for up to six months after your job ends, in order to find another job.

European Blue Card is a residence permit that allows skilled workers to come and work in the European Union.

You need a European Blue Card, or work visa, to be hired in Europe. Blue cards allow highly skilled professionals to enter the country and remain there permanently.

Introduced in 2009 by the European Council, the Blue Card for Employment in Europe is intended for citizens of non-European Economic Area countries who seek to relocate to Europe for work.

With the European Parliament’s and the Council’s approval on May 17, 2021, the Blue Card Directive was modified to reflect the new system. The Directive streamlines the process for obtaining a Blue Card, allowing more highly skilled workers worldwide to migrate to the European Union.

Currently, over 2.5% of jobs in the EU are open, highlighting the urgent need for qualified people in the region. The European Union Blue Card and other similar programs are being implemented throughout Europe to address this labor shortage.

Can You Work in the EU Without a Blue Card?

Either the Blue Card or a D-Type work visa must be applied for, depending on the foreigner’s country of origin and other factors.

It depends on the nature of the job that an individual will be doing as to whether or not they should apply for a Blue Card or a national work visa. Only employees with exceptional expertise and qualifications are eligible for Blue Cards.

Fifteen of the EU’s 27 members issue blue cards. Neither Ireland nor Denmark provides Blue Cards.

The Electronic Travel Information Authorization System (ETIAS) is not intended to replace the Blue Card but rather to provide a convenient alternative for travelers visiting Europe.

Who is Eligible for European Blue Card?

Only those who are exceptionally qualified in their fields are eligible to apply for the EU Blue Card. The Blue Card may be obtained by non-EU foreign nationals who want to engage in employment for which a higher education credential is necessary.

The Blue Card is meant for competent individuals who want to further their talents or work in Europe and was created to attract talent. The total number of Blue Cards that each European nation issues each year is set by itself.

The Blue Card should, in the words of Margaritis Schinas, vice president of the Commission for Promoting the European Way of Life, “help preserve economic development, react to labor market demands, and enhance productivity to enable the EU to emerge stronger from this epidemic.”

In the EU, What Does a Higher Education Qualification Mean?

Those who have completed a formal educational programme lasting at least three years are considered to have a higher education certification.

This must have qualified the student to engage in a highly specialised career or pursue a rigorous doctoral programme.

Petitioners having professional experience comparable to a higher education certificate in particular sectors will also be eligible under the Revised Blue Card Directive.

Where and How to Apply for the Blue Card That Will Allow You to Work in Europe?

An individual or their company may submit the application, depending on the local requirements.

An application must be submitted to the appropriate national authorities in the country of intended employment. In certain nations, you have to pay a fee just to apply.

Employment quotas within the EU are set independently by each member state.

Requirements for EU Blue Card Application

To apply for a Blue Card in Europe, applicants must now provide the following documents:

  1. At least six months of guaranteed employment with a remuneration that is at least 1.5 times the average gross annual income in the European Union nation where they desire to work (both the contract duration and minimum salary have been lowered).
  2. Evidence of the aforementioned credentials in the form of official documents.
  3. A legitimate passport and, if required, a visa.
  4. Documentation of medical coverage.

Blue Card applications may be denied by EU member states if the applicant does not fulfil the aforementioned requirements or if the submitted papers have been fraudulently acquired, altered, or otherwise interfered with. Those applying for a Blue Card must not be a danger to EU citizens in terms of security, public order, or health.

For How Long Does the EU Blue Card Stay Valid?

Validity periods for EU blue cards range from one to four years, depending on the country of issuance.

The duration of a Blue Card issued by Spain is 12 months, by Austria 24 months, and by France and Germany 48 months.

The bearer and his or her family have unrestricted access to all EU member states, including the nation that granted the EU Blue Card.

What Salary Level Is Required for a Blue Card to the EU?

A worker’s wage has to be at least 1.5 times the average gross income in the nation where the job is being sought. If the field is in great demand, this may be reduced.

Because of this, the minimum wage in each EU member state varies. Some European nations’ base salaries in 2021 were as follows:

  • France: 53,836 EUR
  • Germany: 56,800 EUR
  • Italy: 24,789 EUR
  • Spain: 33,908 EUR

The only one of these nations to raise its minimum wage in 2021 is Germany (from 55,200 EUR in 2020).

Minimum annual salaries required to apply for an EU Blue Card in 2022 are as follows.

  • France: 53,836 EUR
  • Germany: 56,400 EUR (decreased from 2021)
  • Italy: 26,000 EUR (increased from 2021)
  • Spain: 33,908 EUR

If a worker does not fit this criterion, they will need a work visa of type D from an EU Member State in order to work in the EU.

EU Blue Card benefits

The EU Blue Card offers a number of benefits to its holders. These include

  • The right to live and work in any country within the European Union
  • The right to family reunification
  • Access to certain social welfare benefits.

The card also allows its holders to travel throughout the Schengen Area without having to show a visa.

EU blue card Validity

If you are a citizen of an EU country, you can apply for an EU blue card. The card is valid for up to four years and allows you to stay in the Schengen area for up to six months at a time. It also gives you the right to work in any other EU country.

The card is valid for up to four years

EU Blue Card vs Work Permit

EU Blue Card Work Permit The EU Blue Card is a work permit that allows nationals of non-EU countries to work in the EU. The card is valid for up to four years, and can be renewed. It allows the holder to live and work in any EU country.

The work permit is granted on the basis of a job offer from an employer in the EU. The applicant must have a university degree or a professional qualification that is recognised in the EU. The work permit is not tied to a specific employer, so the holder can change jobs freely within the EU.

A work permit is required for all foreigners working in the UAE. The permit is valid for two years, and can be renewed. It allows the holder to live and work in Dubai or Abu Dhabi. The permit must be sponsored by an employer in the UAE.

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