UK Startup Visa Endorsing Bodies: All You Should Know

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First-time visa applicants from outside the EU/EEA who want to establish a company in the United Kingdom must first get a start-up visa endorsement.

A way requires applicants to show their company concept is eligible by getting it endorsed by a recognized endorsement group.

Start-Up Visa UK endorsement bodies. Learn all about them
Start-Up Visa UK endorsement bodies. Learn all about them. Source: Pexel

List of UK Startup Visa Endorsing Bodies

UK government has created a page where you can find all information about UK startup endorsing bodies. See the complete list and apply for endorsement with one of these organisations to expedite your UK startup visa application.

See the complete list.

What exactly is a start-up endorsement for UK Visa?

An endorsement is required before a Start-Up visa application can be submitted to the UK Home Office.

If the body’s proposal receives approval, it will submit a letter of recommendation to the Home Office outlining the plan.

It is crucial that the candidate submit their visa application to the Home Office within three months after receiving the endorsement letter.

Yes, startups can sponsor UK visas. In order to do so, the startup must be able to demonstrate that it is a genuine business and that it meets the required criteria for sponsorship. The startup must also be able to provide evidence that it has the financial resources to support the visa applicant.

Criteria for Startup Visa Endorsement in UK

Endorsing organizations must use the Home Office’s evaluation criteria when deciding whether to support a start-up visa application. Business proposals, therefore, need to meet these criteria:

  • Innovative

The applicant has presented a real, innovative business strategy that addresses unmet requirements in the market and/or provides a distinct edge over competitors.

  • Viable

The candidate has all or is in the process of acquiring the essential skills, knowledge, experience, and market awareness to manage the firm effectively.

  • Scalable

There is evidence of deliberate planning and prospects for expanding into national markets and adding new jobs.

Additional UK Visa requirements for Startups

  • First-time Entrepreneurs

If the applicant’s last grant of leave was Tier 1, the endorsing body must attest that they have not previously set up a company in the UK (Graduate Entrepreneur). Persons with prior experience in establishing a company must submit an application under the Innovator category.

Given the weight of this prerequisite for qualification, we would hope for additional explanation and guidance from the Home Office regarding the nature of what constitutes a “business” for these reasons. This would help to guarantee uniformity and fairness in decision-making across all organizations.

  • Investment funds

Interestingly, the standards do not stipulate a minimum amount that must be invested in the business.

On the other hand, in the real world, you’ll likely need to present proof of investment to prove the enterprise’s feasibility and scalability.

  • Permitted activities

It is expected that visa holders would spend most of their working time in the UK building their business(es); however, they are free to pursue other employment opportunities outside their visa scope.

  • Team applications

It is possible for a group to submit an application rather than a single individual.

To get an endorsement letter for a UK Start-up visa, you need to be endorsed by a registered UK Start-up organisation. You can find a list of registered organisations on the website.

The process of obtaining a UK Start-up visa is not particularly difficult, but it can be time-consuming. Applicants must provide evidence of their business idea, as well as proof of their ability to run a successful business. The application process also requires an interview with a member of UK Visas and Immigration.

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