Can You Work in France with a Student Visa?

france digital nomad visa

Want to study in France? Not sure if you would be allowed to work while you are studying? This guide is for you.

Regardless of their country or degree of education, anyone may find a job in France to supplement their income. Everyone in school has the option of working either on or off campus.

Some guidelines to keep in mind when applying for jobs in France on a student visa.

Can you get a job with a student visa in France?

There are some restrictions on what type of jobs a student visa holder can take in France. Generally, the visa holder can only work part-time in a job that is related to their studies. However, there are some exceptions and the French embassy or consulate can provide more information on what is allowed.

Every Foreign Student in France Has the Right to Work

As an international student in France, you have the legal right to work and earn money to help cover your expenses. Every French student has this privilege. Students from outside the European Union need a residence visa in order to study there.

According to French legislation, international students may work 964 hours yearly, which is 60% of the legal limit. Fifty percent of Algerian students whose legal standing is still determined by the Franco-Algerian Agreement of December 27, 1968. Gaining financial rewards from this endeavor is a plus.

Can I work more than 20 hours on a student visa in France?

Yes, you can work more than 20 hours on a student visa in France. The regulations surrounding how many hours you can work vary depending on your nationality and the type of visa you hold, so be sure to speak with an immigration specialist if you have any questions about how many hours you are allowed to work. Generally speaking, though, students are allowed to work up to 40 hours per week during term time and up to 60 hours per week during holiday periods.

In France, working students and non-students are protected by law to receive a minimum salary. The Smic is the acronym for the Suggested Minimum Income Calculator (salaire minimum interprofessional de croissance or guaranteed minimum wage). This minimum salary is €10.25 as of January 1, 2021. This is gross pay; therefore, necessary social security contributions (about 20%) will need to be reduced to arrive at the effective hourly rate (€8.20). Students who work 10 hours per week for minimum pay will take home around €82.

Students Can Work while Studying in France

International students at French universities are allowed to work on campus. In most cases, the academic year for these student occupations begins on September 1 and ends on August 31. Activities include welcoming kids at the beginning of the school year, tutoring, hosting cultural or athletic activities, helping pupils with impairments, etc. Employment of this kind improves campus life and helps foster a stronger feeling of camaraderie.

Students can work while they are in college or university for at most 20 hours in France.

Work-study programs at universities are designed to accommodate students’ class and homework schedules in order to maximize their chances of academic and professional success. Similarly, between September 1 and June 30, students employed by French institutions are limited to a maximum of 670 hours of labor, while the summer months (July 1 through August 31) are limited to a maximum of 300 hours of work.

Internships While Studying in France

Internships are often mandatory for students pursuing certain types of degrees. Students from France and other countries are subject to the same regulations:

  1. An internship contract (signed by the school and the internship host) is necessary;
  2. Payment of €600.60 per month is required if the internship lasts longer than two months (January 1, 2021).
  3. Internships that are required for a degree program do not count against the maximum of 964 hours of labor each year.

Internships are mandatory in France for students pursuing professional degrees.

How can I convert my student visa to work permit in France?

To convert your student visa to a work permit in France, you will need to go through the same process as an employee who is seeking a work permit. This process includes obtaining a work permit dossier from your local French consulate, submitting it to the National Directorate of Labour (Direction Nationale du Travail or DNT), and waiting for a response. The entire process can take several months, so it is important to start early.

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