Azad Visa Saudi Arabia: What You Should Know

Azad Visa is an illegal or under-the-desk arrangement between Saudi based businesses/companies and people willing to enter Saudi Arabia.

Here is how the Azad Visa works.

What is Azad Visa in Saudi Arabia?

Azad Visa is an illegal arrangement between Saudi Arabia companies and people willing to work in Saudi Arabia. 

The process for Azad visa is simple.

  1. The company that wants to earn money through illegal means in Saudi Arabia ask the government for work visa permits.
  2. They sell these visas to agents and earn money from it
  3. Agents recruit people to come to Saudi Arabia mostly from Bangladesh, India, or Pakistan
  4. When people come on the Azad visa they pay hefty sum to agents
  5. Once the person arrives in Saudi Arabia, the company processes their Iqama
  6. The employer allows the worker to work in any company of his/her wishes
  7. The employee (person who came on visa) starts looking for jobs
  8. When the employee finds a job in Saudi Arabia, the first company processes his Qiwa

For those of you who don’t know. Qiwa is an employee transfer document that tells the Saudi government that the person is now working with another company.

The government accepts each Qiwa application manually and once the qiwa is approved, employee is allowed to be transferred. 

This is the Azad visa in Saudi Arabia summary.

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How to Get Azad Visa in Saudi Arabia?

There are many professions where you can get an Azad Visa. If you want to get an Azad visa while living in your country, you will have to get in touch with a visa agency in Saudi Arabia.

Usually these visa agencies are in direct contact with most businesses in Saudi Arabia that can process iqama and offer azad visa.

Just make sure that the agency you hire for the Azad visa is legitimate and trusted.

Who Can Get Azad Visa in Saudi Arabia?

Azad visa has no restrictions and anyone that is willing to apply in Saudi Arabia can get it from a visa agency.

Not every visa agency is dealing in Azad visa applications because they don’t have the means. So, you should first ask a few Saudi Arabia visa agencies in your area about Azad visa before you go this route.

Is Azad Visa Saudi Arabia Free?

Azad visa is not free. Although it means ‘free’ but it costs a lot of money. Saudi Arabia doesn’t allow anyone and everyone to come and work in the country. 

People that plan to visit Saudi Arabia and work in any company they want will have to get the Azad visa. Please check the fees of Azad Visa in Saudi Arabia below.

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What is the Cost of Azad Visa Saudi Arabia?

Azad visa cost varies for each profession. 

  • For professional workers like accountants, the cost of azad visa is around 20,000 Saudi Riyal.
  • For labour professionals, the cost of azad visa is around 15,000 Saudi Riyal.
  • For domestic workers, the cost of Azad visa is around 10,000 Saudi Riyal

Is There a Age Limit for Saudi Azad Visa?

No there is no age limit for Saudi Arabia azad visa. Anyone that is willing to travel to Saudi Arabia for work and want to enhance their current situation can get the Azad visa from any trusted travel agency in Saudi Arabia.

The usual age limit for Azad visa is minimum 18 and maximum 60.

Cons of Saudi Arabia Azad Visa

  1. Saudi Arabia’s Azad visa is illegal by nature. You will not be protected by the Saudi government is something bad happens to you
  2. Saud Arabia reserves the right to deport you and will always side with the company that processed your iqama
  3. Your employer can blackmail you and ask you for more money
  4. If you are unskilled or low-skilled, visiting Saudi Arabia will not help you. Job hunting takes time and not anyone in Saudi Arabia is willing to take on unskilled workers
  5. Saudi Arabia bans people who use illegal ways like Azad visa to visit the country. They also impose a fine of $50,000.

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