Is the Australian Partner Visa Form 1221 Required?

Accuracy in all the information you give IMMI Australia is essential to a successful visa application. A partner visa needs Form 1221, which may be canceled if you provide false information about yourself.

What is 1221 in Australia?

All applicants who are 18 years of age or older must fill out 1221 Australian form as it is needed to support your visa application.

Is Form 1221 Necessary?

A character evaluation must be conducted almost universally for Australian visa applications.

You might require to fill out a character statutory form also called the 1221 Australia visa form as part of the character evaluation.

You might occasionally be asked to supply personal information so that character checks can be done. You could be asked to fill out the 1221 form by your case officer or to attach other relevant documents like police character certificate from your country of permanent residence.

You are not required to provide this information with your application if you are applying for a visa from outside of Australia. Whenever it is necessary, you will be informed.

You should include this information with your application if you’re applying in Australia.

What is the difference between Form 80 and Form 1221?

The character evaluation process for applicants for permanent visas includes Form 80 (Individual particulars for assessment, including moral assessment). Although you don’t have to add it right once, you should upload it before a case officer reviews your application.

In any event, it is recommended that your application for a partner visa be as decision-ready as possible. You can prevent any delays later on by providing Form 80 when you lodge your application. When you lodge, the goal is to provide your case officer with as much information as you can to delay the processing of your application. In terms of procedural fairness, the case officer will approach you for more details and hold off on deciding until they hear from you.

This means that you will no longer be at the top of the list. There may be benefits to filling out and submitting Form 80 beforehand. The majority of the data is required to complete it.

Form 80 will have already been acquired when you submitted your Partner visa application. The form will probably take at least a few hours to complete, so you’ll need to have additional patience. Character evaluation has received a great deal of attention from the department in recent years. Planning is the best way to prevent delays brought on by the unexpected.

Form 1221’s primary objective of this form is to gather your personal information, which should be a replication and affirmation of the data from Form 80 that has been submitted.

A partner visa needs Form 1221, which may be canceled if you give false information about yourself. To help you, we’ve created examples of how to fill out each part, ensuring your information matches that of other completed immigration paperwork. Do not undervalue the significance of this proclamation; carefully read it and abide by our instructions.

Should the Applicant Complete Form 1221?

All applicants who are 16 years of age or older must fill out this additional form in English to support their visa application.

Is PCC required for Australian PR?

The PCC must be completed and signed in order to apply for an Australian visa (Police Clearance Certificate). PCC is necessary from any countries where you have been more than a year in the last ten years.

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